VPK Program


Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten

What is VPK?

VPK stands for Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten, and it is an education program funded through the Florida Department of Education. The state of Florida guarantees a year of pre-kindergarten preschool education free of charge for three hours to every 4-year-old child in the state. The goal of the VPK education program is to enable every child to be ready to learn by the time he or she enters kindergarten.

Several area preschools are certified to offer free VPK programs, but there are tremendous differences in quality. For this reason, Florida preschools are reviewed by the Florida Department of Education each year and given a score, year after year Kidzone has demonstrated to be and excelente provider demonstrated also by the high scores of each children that have attend to Kidzone.

Benefits of early education and the VPK program

The most important growth and development in the brain happens by the age of five.
The early years are the learning years. A child’s ability to be attentive and to follow directions emerges in the early years. Structured early learning fosters these abilities for later success in school and in life.
Pre-K prepares children to be ready for school. Children who participate in high-quality early childhood education programs develop better language skills, score higher in school-readiness tests and have better social skills and fewer behavioral problems once they enter school. They are also better prepared for Kindergarten, especially in the areas of pre-reading, pre-math and social skills.
Pre-K promotes a love of learning in children. Pre-K enhances what a child learns at home and instills a love of life-long learning.